gf comprises three divisions gf piping systems, gf automotive, and gf machining solutions. founded in 1802, the corporation is headquartered in switzerland and is present in 32 countries, with 124 companies, 48 of them production facilities. its approximately 14 000 employees generated sales of chf 3.77 billion in 2013.
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自清洗设计和侧面密封保证了应用的可靠性。在0.2 bar / 2.9 psi的关闭压力下,密封完好。
the signet 8860 two-channel conductivity/resistivity controller is packed with a set of features and capabilities ideal for the real needs of water treatment applications. it accommodates two separate and independent input sources and can be powered with ac/dc voltage.
该阀适用于所有混合以及分流工艺过程。543 型球阀提供水平或垂直两种型号。水平型可以订购l型孔或t型孔。垂直型配备l型孔或可选其他分流球芯。
546 球阀是gf管路系统研发的另一款创新产品;它集广泛的经验和最新技术于一身。
产品拥有众多特点,除模块化之外,还具有品质优秀、灵活性好、可靠性高等特点。546 型球阀为 346 型球阀的替代型号,是 gf管路系统在塑料管路知识领域40 年经验的研发结晶。